Tamil Nadu Science Forum (TNSF)is a people's movement for science popularization among children and masses. It has branches in all the districts of Tamil Nadu. It is a member organisation of All India People's Science Network(AISPN). It is also an active member organisation of National Council for Science& Technology Communication (NCSTC) Networks (http://www.ncstc-network.org/)of Dept. of S&T, India.
வியாழன், 23 ஏப்ரல், 2009
World Book Day Apr 23 2009
உலக புத்தக தினம்
உலகம் விரும்பும் கவிஞர் ஷேக்ஷ்பியர்ரின் பிறந்த தினம் உலக புத்தக தினமாக கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது . தமிழ் நாடு அறிவியல் இயக்கம் காஞ்சிபுரம் மாவட்டத்தின் சார்பாக நம் மாவட்டத்தின் பல் வேறு இடங்களில் நிகழ்ச்சிகள் மற்றும் விற்பனைகள் ஏற்பாடுகள் செயப்பட்டு உள்ளன.
ஞாயிறு, 5 ஏப்ரல், 2009
100 hours of Astronomy in our District
Day 1:
Apr2. 9am-10.30 am :Inaugurtion of 100hours of Astronomy -Introduction on International Year of Astronomy"Eyes on the skies" - DVD show for KV1, Kalpakkam Students
7pm-10pm : Sidewalk astronomy- Saturn and Tritan through our 5' Newtonian Telesope for around 1000 persons at minishopping complex, Kalpakkam.
Day 2:
Apr3. Cheyyur 7pm - 11pm : Film show on Chandrayaan 1 followed by Telescopic view of Saturn and introduction of constellation to 150 children and 200 adults.
Apr4. Kalpakkam 9am - 10.30am : Introduction on IYA2009 and DVD show " Eyes on the Skies" to the students of KV2, Kalpakkam
9pm - 3am : 24 hours Global Star Party Around 10 persons participated in the event.
Telescope Used: 5' Newtonian Reflector
The objects Seen:
THE MOON: the Craters Copernicus, Aristotle, Plato, Archimedies, Tycho & Eratanothenes, the Mountains Caucus, Alps and Apennines
Nakshatras and some constellation then some openclusters like jewelbox,nebula like Orion , Globular Clusters like Omega Centauri and Hercules, M13.
The Saturn and Titan
Apr5: 10am -12noon "History of astronomy" presentation at Manavalakalai Mandram, kalpakkam.
Sembakkam 3pm-4pm : Film show "Chandrayaan1"
Apr2. 9am-10.30 am :Inaugurtion of 100hours of Astronomy -Introduction on International Year of Astronomy"Eyes on the skies" - DVD show for KV1, Kalpakkam Students
7pm-10pm : Sidewalk astronomy- Saturn and Tritan through our 5' Newtonian Telesope for around 1000 persons at minishopping complex, Kalpakkam.
Day 2:
Apr3. Cheyyur 7pm - 11pm : Film show on Chandrayaan 1 followed by Telescopic view of Saturn and introduction of constellation to 150 children and 200 adults.
Apr4. Kalpakkam 9am - 10.30am : Introduction on IYA2009 and DVD show " Eyes on the Skies" to the students of KV2, Kalpakkam
9pm - 3am : 24 hours Global Star Party Around 10 persons participated in the event.
Telescope Used: 5' Newtonian Reflector
The objects Seen:
THE MOON: the Craters Copernicus, Aristotle, Plato, Archimedies, Tycho & Eratanothenes, the Mountains Caucus, Alps and Apennines
Nakshatras and some constellation then some openclusters like jewelbox,nebula like Orion , Globular Clusters like Omega Centauri and Hercules, M13.
The Saturn and Titan
Apr5: 10am -12noon "History of astronomy" presentation at Manavalakalai Mandram, kalpakkam.
Sembakkam 3pm-4pm : Film show "Chandrayaan1"
வெள்ளி, 3 ஏப்ரல், 2009
"100hours of Astronomy" Started in our District
"The 100hours of astronomy" programme is being carried out thropught the world, from Apr2-5.
Yesterday we inaugurated the event with a DVD show "Eyes on the Skies"-400 years of Telescopic Discoveries to the students of kendriya Vidyalaya No.1, Kalpakkam. Around 300 students participated in the Programme. Dr. N. Suriyamurthy and S.Parthasarathy of TNSF, Kalpakkam gave introduction about TNSF and IYA2009 respectively.
Apr.2nd, 7pm to 10pm:
We conducted a Sidewalk Astronomy programme to around 1000 residents of DAE township in a shopping complex. They first time witnessed the Saturn and its moon theTitan through our 5" Newtonian Telescope.
Yesterday we inaugurated the event with a DVD show "Eyes on the Skies"-400 years of Telescopic Discoveries to the students of kendriya Vidyalaya No.1, Kalpakkam. Around 300 students participated in the Programme. Dr. N. Suriyamurthy and S.Parthasarathy of TNSF, Kalpakkam gave introduction about TNSF and IYA2009 respectively.
Apr.2nd, 7pm to 10pm:
We conducted a Sidewalk Astronomy programme to around 1000 residents of DAE township in a shopping complex. They first time witnessed the Saturn and its moon theTitan through our 5" Newtonian Telescope.
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