Tamil Nadu Science Forum (TNSF)is a people's movement for science popularization among children and masses. It has branches in all the districts of Tamil Nadu. It is a member organisation of All India People's Science Network(AISPN). It is also an active member organisation of National Council for Science& Technology Communication (NCSTC) Networks (http://www.ncstc-network.org/)of Dept. of S&T, India.
வெள்ளி, 30 ஜனவரி, 2009
Partial Solar Eclipse at Kalpakkam
On the Republic Day 26 th Jan., we witnessed a Partial Solar Eclipse (PSE). Tamil Nadu Science Forum & NESCO had arranged a programme for public to view the phenomenon through a 5' Newtonian Telescope.
The eclipse started around 2.26pm. The disc of the moon moved from SouthEast to NNE over the Sun. i.e., It passed through the ascending node. The maximum occured around 3.18pm (~16%). The phenomenon ended around 4.05pm. Many persons and children witnessed the event.
At Pudupattinam TNSF had arranged for the villagers to view the natural phenomenon through a welding glass.
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